Hamilton County, Ohio
Miscellaneous Records

Misc. because we're wating on your contributions before we set up a new Catagory on the Main page.
Let me know if you have anything to add.

1800's emigrants from Alstaette, Westphalia to the U.S., Cincinnati and Ohio J.W. Burkey
1869 Packard & Company Brochure (pdf file)  Joan Asche
"1914 Souvenir - History of Cumminsville" Index Bob Scharf
1937 Fountain Square Hotel Menu (pdf file) Joan Asche
1950 Wiggins Restaraunt menu (pdf file)  Joan Asche
Charter Members of Wm. Henry Harrison Chap U. S. Dau.of 1812 Patti Graman
Cincinnati Postal Service: Postmasters 1794-1900
D'Camp Letters ~ 1825-1837 Nina Mack
Draper Manuscripts Adina Watkins Dyer
Earliest Pioneers (before 1800)

Early settlers of Green Twp ~ From 1802 to 1850 Patti Graman
Early settlers of Whitewater Twp ~ 1824-1834 Patti Graman
Fenian Movement ~  list of paroled Fenian prisoners from Cincinnati Karen Klaene
Firefighters & Police  ~  A history & list of names of early firemen & policemen various
Florence Rosella DuChemin Autograph Album ~ from the 1880's
Dick Couch
The Jersey Quilt
Terri McDonald Hauk
Knothole Dedicates 1980 Season to "Shorty" Shirlene Jensen
Painters in Cincinnati ~ 1841 Patti Graman
"Playmates of the Towpath: Happy Memories of the Canal Swimmers' Society" Index Bob Scharf
Procter & Gamble Co. ~ Cincinnati: The Queen City 1788-1912; Vol. 4 Tina Hursh
Recipes various
Underground Railroad in Hamilton County

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©1999-2003 by Tina Hursh
©2003-2007 by Tina Hursh & Linda Boorom
©2007-2008 by Linda Boorom