Welcome to
Hamilton County, Ohio

Neighboring counties are:
Butler | Warren | Clermont in OH
Dearborn in IN
Boone | Kenton | Campbell in KY

Early settlers traveled down the Ohio River to the area that is now Hamilton County by flatboat and in 1788 founded Losantiville, which was soon renamed Cincinnati. Hamilton County, named for Alexander Hamilton, was established in 1790. It was the second county to be carved out of the Northwest Territory and predated Ohio statehood by over 12 years. It had 2,000 inhabitants and its boundaries included roughly one-eighth of what is now Ohio. Development of the new county took place mainly in Cincinnati, which soon became a booming river town (“The Queen City of the West”) as Ohio River barges and steamboats brought settlers of varied national origins and industrial skills. Settlers soon fanned out from the crowded riverfront area to the valleys and hilltops, forming new towns of individual character, many of which later became part of Cincinnati.

“And this Song of the Vine,
This greeting of mine,
The winds and the birds shall deliver,
To the Queen of the West,
In her garlands dressed,
On the banks of the Beautiful River.

Catawba Wine by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Where to find Hamilton County Records

Hamilton County Resources & Addresses:

  • Court House/County Government information
  • Vital Records
  • Libraries 
  • Community Government Pages
  • Societies & Museums
  • Church Information
  • Other sites specific to Hamilton Co.

Published Hamilton Co. Resources


The information contained on the following pages would not be here if it weren't for contributors & transcribers. I'm always looking for information to add to these pages that might help others find their relatives and also understand a little more about Hamilton Co., OHIO. Write to me if you have anything you can add here.


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©1999-2003 by Tina Hursh
©2003-2007 by Tina Hursh & Linda Boorom
©2007-2023 by Linda Boorom